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Near $4,500 raised for Dining Dollars Campaign

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Near $4,500 raised for Dining Dollars Campaign


The Journal-Eureka’s annual Dining Dollars campaign, which raises funds for Jones County Senior Dining, is nearing $4,500. With the help of 20 donors, the J-E has raised $4,400 so far. 


Recent donations include: In memory of Ruby & Leo Wuebker and Pat & Bob Delagardelle-$100 William & Suzanne Goodman-$300, Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.-$150, Carleen Sievertsen-$100, Paul & Deb Johnson-$100, Abe Tubbs and Nikky Claussen & family-$250, Marlene Prout-$25, In memory of Elsie Buscher-$50, Jolene & Bernie Keeney-$50, Terry & Diane Osterkamp-$50, Anonymous-$25, Curt & Val Daily-$200, Stephen & Christine Williams-$50, Marilynn L. Webb-$50, Darwin & Elizabeth Coleman-$350, Jan Beardsley-$50, Gary Weers-$1,000, Chris Delong-$400, Jones County Dairy Promotion-$1,000 and Jeff & Joann Hinz-$100     


Approximately 100 seniors benefit from this program, which delivers hot and nutritious lunches to homebound residents and supports dining centers in Anamosa, Monticello, and Wyoming.


Since the pandemic, securing funding has become even more critical, as rising costs have significantly impacted the expenses essential to the operation of the Jones County Senior Center.


Part of the funding gap is covered by diners who can contribute voluntarily when they enjoy a meal. However, some individuals may not afford to make the necessary contribution, and these are often the same individuals who most need not only the meals but also the social interaction that the senior dining program provides.


Dining Dollar donations are tax-deductible, and any contribution is greatly valued. These donations provide essential support for senior dining across the county. Gifts can be made anonymously or in memory of a loved one. Checks should be made payable to the Jones County Senior Dining Center and mailed to Journal-Eureka, 405 E. Main St., Ste D, Anamosa, IA 52205.


Businesses and individuals who donate will have their names and contribution amounts listed in the Journal-Eureka, allowing readers to see the growth of donations. Contributions will be accepted until Tuesday, Dec. 31. 


DON’T FORGET: The Journal-Eureka is sponsoring gifts for homebound seniors. For some homebound seniors, the annual package of gifts delivered with their meals may be the only gift they may receive, and they are always appreciated.


Gifts for homebound seniors will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 13 and will be delivered ahead of Christmas. Needed items include blankets, socks with tread, games, puzzles, coloring materials, single-serving snacks or shelf-stable entrees and easy crafts or kits.


This year, the drop-off location is the Jones County Senior Center, 112 N Ford St, Anamosa, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.; for an appointment after hours, call 319-462-4484.


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